Video production
Full video production capabilities in-house
Video is the perfect medium for many corporate, promotional and training purposes. At Motion Pictures International, pre- and post-production takes place in-house and the entire process is totally under our control throughout. This prevents a concept being ‘watered-down’ or weakened as it passes through the various production stages.
Getting the strategy, script and storyboard right is the key to success, and planning to perfection at the pre-production stage will save both time and money. The Producer of your video will work closely with you to plan the content and execution of your project and will ensure that the vital decisions such as locations, film length, music, graphics, time-scales and budgets are all carefully considered.
During this stage, the producer will team up with the director to turn the storyboard into reality. Like the producer and director, the film crew will consist of award-winning professionals from a feature film, commercials and television drama backgrounds. Creative lighting, carefully cast actors and models, hand-built models and specially selected props may all be involved to perfect the production.
Read more about post-production on our editing services page
Web Video
People just used to read websites, but now they watch them as well. Organisations are beginning to realise the benefits of creating short videos that can be used both on the corporate website and also across a variety of social network marketing areas such as e-newsletters, on-line adverts and virals released onto YouTube, Digg and similar social community websites.
It’s time to get viral before your competitors do
Do talk to us if you’d like to learn more about the opportunities available – at low cost compared to conventional media – to communicate virally by using the power of web video to promote your brand.
To view our range of different services click here

Video production
Live events
Animation & design
Encoding & DVD